



一片片的撕開 每一口層次都是濃郁的奶香味。

[WOW!] Oysters & Ham Catering Set

The most important elements that make quality and luxurious party starters for any occasion are fresh oysters, great Iberico ham & sausage, cheeses, sweet accompaniments, and snacks. Fischen saves you the hassle to shop and compare prices at supermarkets, it is best for family & friends gatherings. Def a wow factor for any gatherings We now offer charcuterie boards that include our all-time best sellers of Iberico ham and cheese, in a small (4-5ppl) & large (8-10ppl) board.

Hungary Foie Gras Sliced 2pcs

你知不知道: 法國其實不是鵝肝生產的第一大國,是擁有悠久養鵝歷史的匈牙利為生產鵝肝第一大國。
匈牙利鵝肝的密度較法國一般的品種為高,因此香味更濃厚、更容易烹調。 世界頂級美食 - 鵝肝,一般出現在法式大餐中,鵝肝口感細膩,入口即化,但是價格卻昂貴的離譜。

La "M" Super Speciale

Some claim that the 'M' derives its exceptional quality from the special attention paid to it throughout its cultivation. Others maintain that the 'M' is the result of a drastic selection process, with only the cream of the crop joining the ranks of this elite division. There are even those who claim that the subtle balance between its marine flavours and its sweetness is due to the unique and enviable terroir of Mornac-sur-Seudre. There is probably a bit of all this in the 'M'.

Gillardeau Speciale

被譽為生蠔界的勞斯萊斯,Gillardeau生蠔蠔肉肥美、結實而呈彈性,有脆口感覺,味道鮮甜,是帶有細膩和層次 秉承了吉娜朵家族精益求精的傳統,完美的養殖技術,養殖的生蠔擁有精美的外表和柔和細膩的味道,倍經考驗的質量和層次分明,因此豐富的口味征服了世界頂級酒店、米芝蓮餐廳和無數消費者。每一隻生蠔上都有刻印"G",標誌著家族的驕傲和承諾。

【Party WOW!】Charcuterie Board

The most important elements that makes a quality and luxurious charcuterie board for any occasions are great Iberico ham & sausage, cheeses, sweet accompaniments, and snacks. Fischen saves you the hassle to shop and compare prices at supermarkets, it is best for family & friends gatherings. We now offer charcuterie boards that include our all-time best sellers of Iberico ham and cheese, in a small (4-5ppl) & large (8-10ppl) board.

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【Oysters & Ham Catering Set】

Are great Iberico ham & sausage, cheeses, sweet accompaniments, and snacks. ...

【第二章: 品鱻】

